Irreparable damage:
Alfred Czech was one of thousands of German youths recruited to fight for Hitler's Third Reich. For the first time on July 4, the "Children's Army" was created from the same type of youth force. Those who were only 6 to 8 years old. On July 8, the Children's Division was deployed to the Caen in Normandie in the north of France and naturally damaged the division.
In 9, Hitler's youth division was imprisoned in Normandy, north of France. Although they claimed to be 3 years old, they were actually much younger. But as the war situation worsened, the German Defense Forces and SS began recruiting these young men for the most part.
Harald Stutte and Günter Luck, authors of the book "Hitlers bortglömda barnarmé", say that in the last week of the war, about 1,000 German children, all under the age of 5, were killed. Alfred Cheek says, as a young child I didn't think much. I just wanted to do something for the people of my country. I didn't think going to war with kids was crazy. It was a war.
Protect 12 soldiers
When the Red Army invasion approached Alfred's city of Goldenau (now located in Goldenau, present-day Poland), Alfred saw a small group of German soldiers wounded, shot and wounded by the Red Army. Alfred hurried to save the soldiers with his father's tractor and was able to rescue them. On two occasions, he rescued a total of 12 soldiers. Alfred says: At the age of 12, I was a passionate supporter of Hitler. However, it is true that I did not defend German troops for Hitler. In that case, I would do the same thing about any wounded Russian soldiers or Polish soldiers. And after 12 days for such a contribution, Alfred Iron Cross, or Iron Crush, received Hitler's hand for such heroism.
After a few days of heroic action, Alfred was sent to Berlin. There he meets countless other young men like him, who are playing a bold role in the German defense. However, Alfred's mother was against it. Because he thought that something bad could happen to his son. Even his father was against it but Alfred was overall proud.
The 3-year-old is a three-year-old German soldier who was detained by American troops in Berstadt, Germany.
After a good bath and good breakfast before meeting Hitler, the boys wore their uniforms and stood in line. At the end of the medal distribution ceremony, they were allowed to enter the bunker for dinner with Hitler. There they were asked about their brave deeds. Hitler asked them if they wanted to go home or to the battlefield. Alfred replied; Want to go to the field, my Führer. Alfred was no longer able to return home as German troops were defeated by the Red Army at Goldenau.
I was young and stupid. After the medal distribution ceremony, I was sent to the battlefield with quick training of anti-tank weapons (Panzerfaust). Later I thought I was probably in a trap.
Alfred was sent to Sudetlandet, which currently belongs to the Czech Republic. However, the war did not last long. Alfred was shot (lung) in mid-April and arrested as a prisoner of war. He was released in 9, he was only 5 years old. When a 5-year-old malnourished boy reached Gondenau, his birthplace from Prague, he learned that it was no longer a German state but a city under the state of Poland.
When Alfred returned, he found out that his father was missing. His father was also in the squad, which formed a voluntary army of thousands of men to fight in the last days of the war. Three months after the end of the war, his father was found dead in a gunfire.
Alfred later began working in the mine, got married, and wrote to a foreign authority to relocate from Gondenau. His application was granted in 3, and Alfred resumed his life in Rhenlandet, West Germany. Alfred had 5 children and his grandchildren stood at over 20!
Before being imprisoned at the hands of the Red Army, Alfred had given up all that iron cross, his clothing, of heroism. Even though the wall of his house was still tied to Hitler on the wall of his house at 25 * 4 * 5 cm. And every once in a while, Alfred looked at this picture. Alfred used to say, why don't I keep this picture or see it. It's part of my life and it's mixed with me. But I have no contact with those young people. They might want to be alone like me. Alfred Chee died on July 23. And he is buried in Kleingladbach next to his wife.
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